Happy New Year 2024

Introducing the 2024 OARC Programme Committee

… plus a reminder about OARC 42 Registrations

2 min readJan 8, 2024


Wishing you a joyous New Year from DNS-OARC! We hope you had a delightful holiday, and we eagerly anticipate collaborating with you in the coming year.

We’d like to introduce you to the Programme Committee (PC) for 2024 as well as update you on OARC 42.

The 2024 OARC PC

The OARC Programme Committee is appointed by the Board on a calendar
year basis, and we are pleased to confirm the composition of the PC for 2024.

We received an unusually large and strong selection of candidates this year, some 15 in total. This degree of enthusiasm and commitment to upholding content quality at OARC workshops is very gratifying, thank you to everyone that applied.

To make the most of this opportunity and ensure the greatest diversity in the PC, the Board decided for 2024 to extend the size of the PC to 9 members.

There are 4 outgoing PC Members, and 4 continuing to serve, so the Board has appointed 5 new members.

The 2024 OARC PC, from top left: PC Chair Petr Špaček (ISC), Co-Chair Hazel Smith (Amazon), Ben Schwartz (Meta), Cathy Almond (ISC), John Todd (Quad9), Puneet Sood (Google), Raffaele Sommese (UTwente), Suzanne Woolf (PIR), Tijay Chung (TChung)

Ray Bellis will continue as Board liaison to the PC.

OARC 42 Registration

OARC 42 Logo

OARC 42 will be a two-day hybrid meeting held on 8 & 9 February in Charlotte (NC), USA at 10:00 AM (Local time — EST (UTC-05:00)).


Discounted early bird registrations (with additional discounts for delegates from OARC member organisations) are now available (until January 17th).

Further details and Registration links are on the OARC 42 Registration page.


For OARC 42, DNS-OARC’s Programme Committee has finalised the provisional agenda. Each session has been carefully selected to provide an unparalleled exploration of the DNS universe.

Prepare for cutting-edge presentations and insightful discussions as the Programme Committee propels you through the DNS-OARC galaxy. The posted timetable is your digital guide to the upcoming event.

Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into the DNS-OARC experience. The cosmic journey awaits, and the Programme Committee has charted a course that guarantees a stellar encounter with the latest in DNS revelations.

For more information on the Presentations and Speakers visit the OARC 42 Detailed Agenda Page.

