Development Update #1706

2 min readJun 27, 2017

Here are some DNS-OARC development highlights from the past two months, these updates are sent out on a monthly or bi-monthly basis and the previous updates can be found on our Medium page.

PacketQ, slice and dice DNS with SQL !

At DNS-OARC’s 26th workshop IIS (The Internet Foundation in Sweden) donated the PacketQ software to us along with some funds to let us revive the project and manage it (press-releases: DNS-OARC and IIS).

Since then it’s been incorporated into our testing environment and two releases has been made with new features and fixes, some that have been waiting to be included since the project paused back in 2014. The current release is v1.3.1 and packages are available.

Gzip’ing on the fly

Ray Bellis (ISC) sent in a pull request to add functionality to automatically compress the output based on the file suffix, this was approved and included in the v1.5.0 release of DNSCAP.

Ray also wrote the blog post “I/O Efficient GZip Compression of Packet Captures” about the efficiency of doing this.

RPM packages

We are now out of the testing phase for RPM packages and will in the future use COPR to build for EPEL (CentOS/RHEL) and Fedora. The openSUSE Build System will be used to build for openSUSE and SLE, check the “DNS-OARC Packages” page for more details.

For ports based distributions we can include links to the ports packages but won’t be building them ourselves, let us know if you have a ports package for our software and you want us to link to it!





Domain Name System Operations Analysis and Research Center